08 August 2006

Hotel Cartagena, Cartagena

In order to advance my agenda of learning as much as I can about Colombia before August 26th, Dad, Mike, and I watched the movie Romancing the Stone (1984) at the suggestion of Aunt Mary and Uncle John. Here's what the movie taught me:

1. Colombians speak Spanish, but mostly just to say "vĂ¡monos!" (and in a Mexican accent)
2. Cartagena is overrun with crocodiles.
3. In any sticky situation, I'll find someone who speaks English, even in the most remote campo.
4. On any bus or other form of public transportation, someone will be carrying a pig.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hola rach!!
wowzers!dios mio!yah, estas de viaje!que super bueno!te echo de menos mucho mucho mucho!me encantan mis ninos, la escuela, los otros maestros, todo! es super fabuloso!ten mucho cuidado y diviertate tambien!estoy pensando en ti!besitos y mas besitos! xoxoxoxoxo amberlita

Sunday, August 27, 2006 10:55:00 PM  

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