11 October 2006

El Campo (extra-special multimedia post!!)

Last weekend we took a short trip to accompany a small church in a town near the Venezuela border. I was so thrilled to leave the city for a few days, and during the four hour bus ride my nose was glued to the window. As we drove, the landscape changed from city to sea to marshland to mountains, and we saw fewer palm trees and more grazing livestock. Everywhere I looked, I saw beauty (and poverty and innovation and community). I felt like the trip gave my eyes a four-hour stimulating massage as I took in every cloud and every tree.

I was so enraptured with the landscape that I filmed a few videos through the bus window. I'm posting two here, not because they're inherently entertaining or well-crafted, but because they offer an easy way to share a small bit of the beauty of Colombia with you folks in the States.

This video captures the beauty of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta mountain range. For some reason, I was surprised to see mountains so near to the coast, because I know the Andes are more centrally located in Colombia. How lucky are the folks who live with this view out of their windows?

I'm posting this other video simply because it makes me laugh. During the bus ride the movie Miami Vice was playing (dubbed in spanish) and I love how the soundtrack of the movie, the reflection of the camera on the window, the weird dead palm trees, and my jumpy hand combine to give this video a really creepy feel. The footage suggests that we're forging deeping into the Amazon jungle, where danger lurks, when in reality we were on a cushy, air-conditioned tour bus watching a cheesy U.S. movie.


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