28 August 2006

Bienvenido a Colombia!

Well, I arrived safely in Barranquilla on Saturday afternoon after a super long day of travel. The week has started slowly, which gives me time to explore local restaurants with my fellow accompaniers and to hang out with the group of young folks who attend the university. I've inherited an awesome group of friends, thanks to the social efforts made by the accompaniers who came before me.

Speaking spanish is completely humbling. At times I can carry on full conversations, at other times I'm completely stumped. Luckily, I have plently of time to study and plenty of opportunities for practicing.

This morning I was told that accompaniment is primarily about learning from each other, listening and witnessing, and creating community through solidarity and presence. I feel myself on the brink of some transformation, although I can't possibly predict what will happen here.

Thanks to everyone who sent me supportive messages and shared hugs as I was preparing to leave the States. I feel completely safe and tended to and, if anything, I suspect that I'm going to benefit from being part of this amazing community of hope in ways far greater than I what I contribute through my presence.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

guapa! que chevere! me alegro que estas bien y todo te parece amable.que tipo de comida hay en barranquilla??? buena, me imagino! yo..estoy supervisando las chicas de "study hall". son las 8:17. wow. hoy dia...fuimos a jugar ultimate frisbee en la lluvia...llovia mucho mucho mucho, sin embargo...jugamos. despues, nos zambullimos (we dove) en el lago aqui en el campus. [we have a lake on campus.] este es la segunda vez que salte de cabeza en el lago. :) era muy templada! ahora estoy super super cansada, pero me encanta todo! besitos! ciao ciao guapa raquelita! xoxoxo amberlita

Monday, August 28, 2006 9:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmm... I am trying to figure out what the hell amberlita said above??? ...but I will leave that to you smart folks.

Anyway, regarding your comment about the challenge of speaking a foreign language... Sarah told me this true story: A person had asked a bilingual person how to say various things in a different language and the other person --being malicious-- kept telling them "I have diarreah." in different ways so when anyone would say something to this person they just kept replying, "I have the squirts in my pants..." and "I am soaking my shorts in liquid poo poo."

I will pray nothing like this happens to you, Rachel. We're holding you in the light! ;-)


Tuesday, September 05, 2006 9:12:00 PM  

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