29 August 2006

Photo of the Day!

There's so much to say about life in Barranquilla, even though I'm not doing much yet. So, I've decided to post a daily photo as a way to share my experiences here and jumpstart some stories.

I took this photo from the balcony of the building where I'm living. It's kinda a multi-purpose building, housing offices of the Universidad Reformada (Reformed University), classrooms, meeting space, and the accompaniment bedrooms. We each have a bedroom, private bathroom, and access to a tiny shared kitchen. In the middle, there's a courtyard with benches and palm trees. I've adopted one of the benches as my hang-out spot for reading and resting (and finding a strong wireless connection).

Even though it's the rainy season, we haven't seen much rain, although I was greeted by a torrential downpour when driving to campus from the airport. The sky is always blue and although Barranquilla is a big, crowded city, there are palm trees, iguanas, sqwaking birds, and other glimpses into the natural beauty of coastal Colombia.

I've added a few Colombia photos to my flickr account (link to the right) and I plan on adding more every few days or so.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Rachel! What's your email so I can sign up and comment on your blogs?

It is so cool you're at the university and your living it up. I like the photo of the tree and sky. ...skies in btown have been somewhat gray lately. We need Rachel's super power where the sun shines wherever she goes. She's not here now so it's been raining.


Tuesday, September 05, 2006 9:03:00 PM  

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