09 September 2006

Emergency Request from the Iglesia Presbiteriana de Colombia

Those of you who have been following the stories from Barranquilla over the past few years know about M.*, our friend with the long hair currently living in Bogotá. His name has once again been linked with Colombia's notorious guerrilla group, the FARC. This is, of course, not true, but the allegations are enough to possibly prompt the government to re-open his case. In order to avoid having M. jailed again, the church is working urgently to find him a safe haven outside of Colombia. The current options being investigated include Brazil and Costa Rica.

In order for this to happen, there is an urgent need for money for airfare and 2-3 months living expenses. In general, accompaniers do not engage in fundraising or offer on-the-ground financial contributions, but leaders here in Barranquilla have asked me and Christine to pass along this request for emergency contributions to folks in the States. Those of you wishing to make a financial contribution for the safety of our friend M. can arrange an international money transfer to an account in the name of the Colombian Presbyterian Church.

Cuenta Corriente No. 07405677-1
Código Swift: bschcobb
A nombre de Iglesia Presbiteriana de Colombia
Banco Santander – Oficina Principal
Calle 79 No. 55-13
Barranquilla, Colombia

Please continue hold M. in the light. He’s had a rough few years. We will send updates as we learn more.

* For security reasons, we would prefer not to reveal M.’s full name in relation to this request. If you need more information, email me for some links to articles, or contact previous accompaniers who can safely share the story from the U.S.

Rachel & Christine


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