09 September 2006

So that Peace Doesn't Escape Us

I was given this poster today when I attended a conference hosted by La Asamblea Permanente de la Sociedad Civil por la Paz (The Permanent Assembly of Civil Society for Peace). What I love about the image is that it absolutely reflects the nature of the Colombian activist community -- a diverse group of people from all walks of life, hopefully and cooperatively chasing after the dove of peace.

This week la Iglesia faced two challenges associated with the armed groups of Colombia, with the detention of Jaime José Correa by the police and the possible threat to M. when the paramilitaries linked his name to the FARC. When news like this reaches the presbytery, lawyers and activists immediately rush together to strategize, coordinate phone calls, visit the police station, contact family members, and activate their network contacts within Colombia and the international community.

As accompaniers, it's disheartening to sit by as the people we've come to love and respect face challenges far beyond anything experienced by community organizers in the U.S. We do what we can -- sending email alerts, accompanying people on visits to the Police -- but our role in these situations is really the same as every other day: We're here to be present, to listen attentively, to represent the solidarity of the international community, to support our brothers and sisters as they chase the dove of peace, especially in those moments when the nets ensnare them, too.


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